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Derived & Nested State

With state pool you can subscribe to deeply nested or derived state. Both store.useState and store.useReducer accepts an optional configuration parameter with which you can pass selector & patcher options that are used to derive and update state.

Here is a simple example showing how to use selector & Patcher options

// With store API
const user = createState({
name: "Yezy",
age: 25,
email: ""

function UserName(props){
const selector = (user) =>; // Subscribe to only
const patcher = (user, name) => { = name}; // Update

const [name, setName] = user.useState({selector: selector, patcher: patcher});

const handleNameChange = (e) => {

return (
Name: {name} <br/>
<input type="text" value={name} onChange={handleNameChange}/>

Or with store API

// With store API
store.setState("user", {
name: "Yezy",
age: 25,
email: ""

function UserName(props){
const selector = (user) =>; // Subscribe to only
const patcher = (user, name) => { = name}; // Update

const [name, setName] = store.useState("user", {selector: selector, patcher: patcher});

const handleNameChange = (e) => {

return (
Name: {name} <br/>
<input type="text" value={name} onChange={handleNameChange}/>

Here selector & patcher are used for specifying a way to select deeply nested state(derive new state) and update it.

  • selector should be a function which takes one parameter which is the state and returns a selected value. The purpose of this is to subscribe to a deeply nested or derived state.

  • patcher should be a function which takes two parameters, the first is the state and the second is the selected value. The purpose of this is to merge back the selected value to the state once it's updated.