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Transform your React app with our state management library! Declare global and local states like variables, powered by the magic of React hooks 🪄✨

Features & Advantages​

  • Simple, familiar, flexible and very minimal core API but powerful
  • Built-in support for state persistence
  • Very easy to learn because its API is very similar to react state hook's API
  • Support selecting deeply nested state
  • Support creating state dynamically
  • Can be used outside react components
  • Doesn't wrap your app in context providers
  • Very organized API, You can do almost everything with a single import

State Flow​

  1. Create a state

  2. Subscribe a component(s) to the state created

  3. If a component wants to update the state, it sends update request

  4. When a state receives update request, it performs the update and send signal to all components subscribed to it for them to update themselves(re-render)

You can try live examples Here