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A store is a container for states. Store implements and encapsulates everything you need to easily manage your states including store.setState, store.getState, store.useState, store.subscribe and other functionalities. A store is created by using createStore API as

import { createStore } from 'state-pool';

const store = createStore();

Adding states to a store

Since a store is just a container for our state, we would eventually need to add states to it. Store provides store.setState API which is used to create a state and add it to a store by mapping it to a key. store.setState takes two required parameters, a key(string) to map to a state object and the initial value, In addition to those two parameters it takes a third optional parameter which is the configuration object.

// Signature
store.setState(key: String, initialState: Any, config?: {persist: Boolean})

Here is an example showing how to use store.setState

store.setState("count", 0);

Another way to add state in a store is using createStore, in this way we're creating a store and initializing it at the same time. i.e

import { createStore } from 'state-pool';

const store = createStore({"count": 0});
// createStore Signature
createStore({key1: stateValue1, key1, stateValue2, ...})

store.setState should be used outside of a react component to make sure that it's executed only once. If you use it inside a react component make sure it's executed only once in order to avoid overriding state in a store.